I spent last Saturday in LA at a shoot for The Big Blue Test commercial and it was fantastic.
The Big Blue Test is a month-long program to encourage people to get active and test their blood sugars.
To participate, between October 14 and November 15, test your blood sugars, get active for 14-20 minutes and test again.

Then log on to BigBlueTest.org to share your experience. For every log-in Roche will donate $5 to give life-saving diabetes supplies to those who need them here at home and abroad.
During the shoot, everyone was doing a different activity. Some were running, others doing yoga. They even had a band led by a six-year-old drummer who rocked.
I got the chance to do some tarp surfing which I've always wanted to do.

They rolled out a huge blue tarp and pulled the corner of it to form a huge wave that we would ride skateboards through.
It is probably the only time in my life I will be in a six foot tall, stand-up barrel.
And I got the time to take a few photos, another one of my hobbies. It was great to have professional lighting and a real set to play with.

The last shot I was in was a group shot of the whole cast rounded out by Elliot Yamin. I don't think I've ever heard a sweeter voice in person.
After a day filled with the noise of direction and background conversation, the set was quieted by the call of "Quiet on the set." They actually say that. I laughed to myself.
And then Elliot started singing. Damn, he's good. And not the over-processed, only-good-'cause-he's-been-remastered kind of good.

He's also got some basketball skills to go along with the singing.
This year there is also the BIGger Blue Test and I am going to take this one on. For each 30 days in a row I will test, get active for 20 or more minutes, test again and post my results.
Since getting better from the thyroid drama, I have yet to daily get back into exercise. I have made great strides forward in doing big workouts, but the daily discipline still isn't routine.
How are you planning to do THE BIG BLUE TEST this year??